Evaluation Surveys
P2PU uses surveys at the beginning and end of each learning circle to document the successes, opportunities, and limitations of learning circles in a way that is not intrusive to the values of community, peer learning, and equity that we seek to cultivate.
This information is collected automatically using a combination of P2PU’s own software and integrated Typeform surveys. P2PU data collection and retention practices are compliant with GDPR, as outlined in our privacy policy.
Facilitator Surveys
Facilitator Pre-Survey
On the last step of the learning circle creation process, facilitators are asked to privately reflect on their goals for the learning circle and optionally ask for help if needed. These answers are shared with the P2PU staff and the facilitator's team (if applicable), as well as being referenced in the post survey.
Survey questions:
What do you hope to achieve by facilitating this learning circle?
Is there anything that we can help you with as you get started?
Facilitator Post-Survey
Facilitators are emailed a link to this closing survey during the last meeting of the learning circle:
What did you hope to achieve when you signed up to facilitate this learning circle? [short answer]
To what extent did you achieve this? [1-5]
Did anything about the learning circle surprise you? [short answer]
Do you have any stories from the learning circle you want to share with the P2PU community? [short answer]
About how many people showed up for the first/second/final meeting? [numerical entry]
How well did the online course work as a learning circle? [1-5]
Why did you give the course X star/stars? [short answer]
How likely are you to recommend facilitating a learning circle to a friend or colleague? [1-5]
Why? [short answer]
Ratings and typed information from this survey is moderated to check for personally-identifying details, then shared anonymously in the course library to help identify high-quality learning materials. Anonymized details are occasionally used in P2PU's social media testimonials.
Participant Surveys
Participant Sign-Up
When registering for a group, participants fill out the following survey on the learning circle's sign-up page:
Email Address*
Phone # (for weekly reminder text messages)
Why do you want to learn this topic?*
A successful learning circle requires that its members support one another. How will you help your peers achieve their goals?*
[custom question space for facilitator to add]
I give consent that P2PU can share my signup info with the learning circle facilitator and send me info regarding the learning circle.* [checkbox]
I would like to receive information about other learning opportunities in the future. [checkbox]
A participant's answers to questions 4–6 are included in the sign-up confirmation email. Facilitators receive a copy of this email and can also find this information on their learning circle management page for easy reference.
Learning Circle Post-Survey
Participants are emailed a link to this closing survey an hour before the last meeting of the learning circle:
What did you hope to achieve when you joined this learning circle? [short answer]
To what extent did you achieve this? [1-5 rating]
Is there anything else that you learned or achieved during the learning circle? [short answer]
Do you feel more confident about what you just learned in [course title]? [1-5]
How do you intend to apply what you learned? [short answer]
How well did the online course work as a learning circle? [1-5]
Why did you give the course [rating from question 6] stars?
How likely are you to recommend participating in a learning circle to a friend or colleague? [1-5]
Why? [short answer]
Ratings and typed information from this survey is moderated to check for personally-identifying details, then shared anonymously in the course library to help identify high-quality learning materials. Anonymized details are occasionally used in P2PU's social media testimonials.
Viewing Survey Results
The Wrap Up section of the Meeting Manager view contains links to view your learning circle insights (example here). Choosing "Download Data" will create an exported .csv file with survey result data.
Last updated
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