Creating Learning Circles
P2PU offers a free system for creating and managing learning circle meetings. Once you've created a P2PU account and decided what learning circle you want to run, you can create your learning circle and publish it to the world.
Create a learning circle:
Video: How to Create a Learning Circle (18m)
Or view on YouTube for more viewing controls and to enable closed captions.
Walkthrough: How to Create a Learning Circle
Creating a learning circle is a 5-step process:
Select a Course: Identify the learning materials you'll be using
Find a Location: Share the details of where you'll be meeting (in person or online)
Select Meeting Dates: Choose the dates and times of your meetings (flexibly; you can update these later)
Customize the Sign-Up Page: Write any details about your learning circle (welcome message, materials needed, etc) to customize the public sign-up page
Finalize: Privately reflect on your goals for the learning circle and optionally ask for help if you need it.
Publishing Your Learning Circle
Once you complete the creation process and publish your learning circle (either as a draft or a public circle), your sign-up page will automatically be generated (see above image for an example).
You’ll receive a confirmation email, which includes the link to your sign-up page and a number of other resources. The P2PU Welcome Committee (a mix of P2PU staff and community members) will be copied on the email; if you asked for any help on Step 5, someone will reach out to ensure that your concerns are addressed before the learning circle begins.
You can manage your learning circle at any time through your Facilitator Dashboard.
Last updated